Thilo von Debschitz is Excited to Give (or Get!) …

Posted inDesign Gifts

For the second year, PRINT asked some of the most creative people we know what they are excited to give (and get) this year. Look for daily gift inspiration*, now through the holidays.

(*Click away! These are NOT affiliate links. The gifts on our list are shared as recommendations from our creative community.)

Thilo von Debschitz

“The Pocket Decision Book is a must-have!

Life is hard and demands a lot of decisions. The Pocket Decision Book provides help: flip through the 208 pages which are printed with YES or NO only. Once you stop flipping there is the answer to your question. Due to its small size (2 x 2.8 inches), you can always carry the book with you – to make decisions whenever and wherever needed.”

Thilo von Debschitz is a designer and managing director for Q, a Wiesbaden, Germany-based design and strategy agency.

Many of this year’s participants are past New Visual Artists, PRINT Awards winners, and 2025 jurors. Learn more about the PRINT Awards, now open for early bird entries.