These are stressful times—though at times, “stressful” can feel a bit like a word that barely begins to scratch the surface of the situation. Luckily, some companies and organizations are stepping up to turn the pressure down where they can.
Here are 11 such.
Keep an eye out here for more, and hang in there. We’re right there beside you.

Free Adobe Talent / Adobe PortfolioTo help the creative economy in the face of the Coronavirus, Adobe is making all job postings free to companies and recruiters on Adobe Talent through May 31. For job seekers, the company is making Adobe Portfolio free for 60 days.
Adobe Live Tripling ContentNeed something to watch as you wait the virus out? Adobe Live on Behance is tripling its output for creatives stuck at home. Think daily Illustrator challenges, audio and video masterclasses, design-offs, and much, much more.
A Free Trip to the Adobe SummitThe physical Adobe Summit originally planned for March 31 was canceled due to COVID-19, so the digital experience conference went digital. Now, in exchange for your email address, you can watch all the keynotes and more than 100 breakouts free.
Free CC
Teacher? Student? If you’re either, you can get free access to Adobe Creative Cloud through May. Details vary by institution, but if you need it, there’s a good chance you can get it.

COVID-19 is not stopping AIGA’s Worldstudio Scholarships, which have given more than $1 million to underrepresented and economically disadvantaged students since 1995. Apply now through April 15.

six free courses on stress management and mindfulness. The company is also allowing essential services to post jobs on LinkedIn for free, and expanding their Recruiting for Good program, which puts LinkedIn’s recruiters to work on the front lines for different organizations.

Struggling with suddenly managing a school curriculum by yourself? MoMA has put together an excellent set of resources for teaching art at home, including free online courses and the MoMA learning website.
Illustrator Wendy Macnaughton has also been hosting a #DrawTogether series for kids every school day from 1–1:30 p.m. ET. The series currently runs on Macnaughton’s Instagram, though a permanent home is in the works.

Obstructions,” an inventive—and free—community-based workshop. Its goals are threefold:
“To help you make lots of stuff, which you can leave as is, or use as seeds of ideas for other projects. It will help you build a big body of work that is entirely yours to do anything you want.
“To help you to develop new ideas about how to make things that you normally would never try. It forces you to make strange and unpredictable decisions about what you are going to make, and how you are going to make it.
“To provide a catalyst for creative acts, which is especially relevant right now, when many of us are feeling isolated, unmotivated, and distracted by the state of the world. The workshop will provide something specific and tangible you can focus on.”