Murals are magical, and they’re as mysterious as the ocean on a dark and stormy night. I mean, you and I walk past a wall, and we think, “Ugh, only six more blocks until I get to where I’m going.” A muralist walks past an empty brick building and thinks, “Yes! That is the perfect canvas!”
It’s rare to see murals getting made, and you often don’t know the artist behind them, and they’re so massive it’s difficult to wrap your mind around how much paint it actually takes to complete just one masterpiece (it’s a lot of paint).
Today we’ve rounded up five mural artists you should follow on Instagram. Each one brings a unique aspect of the form to the table, but they all have one thing in common: walls are their canvases.

BONGANG | @bongangart
Kevin Bongang is the man behind @bongangart/ Kevin was born in Cameroon, West Africa, and raised in Savannah, Georgia. The bright color stories, whirling shapes, and playfulness behind his murals come from his Illustration major from Savannah College of Art and Design. Throughout his Instagram feed, you’ll find works from collaborations with multiple nationally recognized brands such as Heineken, Shake Shack, and Mountain Dew. There’s a lot of passion behind his art, and it shines through in the vivid murals.

Ant Carver | @antcarver
Have you ever sat down and tried to draw an eyeball on a piece of paper? Just a single eye with all its details: pupil, eyelashes, water line, etc. It isn’t easy. Now, imagine drawing an entire portrait on an enormous wall. The magnitude of an undertaking like that seems untouchable to people like me. Ant Carver’s murals are intricate, detailed, emotional portraits affixed on massive walls. Now, if I could only see his works in the wild—I’d be captivated.

Lettering Mural Artist | @lisa_quine
Currently residing in Cleveland, Lisa Quine is a creative consultant who’s worked for clients such as Mercedes-Benz, Louis Vuitton, and Target. She was recently chosen as one of Cleveland Magazine’s “Most Interesting People for 2020,” and her works feature robust typographic designs and color combinations filled with depth and soul. Think light pinks paired with rich and dark blues and deep reds paired with rusty orange shades. Her Instagram bio reads “What can I make next?” so you know that the inspiration is constantly flowing within this talented artist.

Will Rea | @willustration_
What do you get when you have a guy named Will, who’s also an illustrator? A Willistrator.
Will graduated from Sheffield Hallam University with a degree in Illustration. Since then, he’s set up a freelance business in South Yorkshire where he creates public artwork and painting signage on indoor and outdoor canvases. His Instagram features his murals along with other artworks. I’d say his style sits at the intersection of classical work and contemporary thinking; think Darwin’s drawings of geological elements, mixed with Wes Anderson style color palettes, combined with a modern twist. His Instagram feed will undoubtedly make you want to find your nearest wall and show off.

MARIELL| @mariellguzman
If you need to add a splash of life and color to your daily Instagram scroll, look no further. Mariell Guzman is a mixed media painter, muralist, illustrator, and installation artist. Born in Mexico, she’s currently based in Texas, creating work for Corona, Pepsi, and IBM, and she has a knack for adding vividness to unexpected places. One of my favorite murals is her masterpiece for the IBM offices; it’s abstract, vivacious, and full of inspiration.