Opening today at the Richard Taittinger Gallery in New York City is artist and designer Timothy Goodman’s first solo exhibition, titled Too Young To Not Set My Life On Fire. Featuring 40-plus canvases of original works, viewers will find pieces that explore vulnerability and masculinity, as well as a celebration of the city he now calls home. The Taittinger Gallery will also become Goodman’s exclusive rep in the US.

Looking to create an immersive experience for attendees, he wants audiences to contend with their own experiences of joy and vulnerability while it also serves as an account of his own shortcomings and personal growth. In addition to the works on display from Goodman, there will also be three limited-edition prints on sale, as well as plenty of merch, including socks, hats, and obviously, fanny packs. Supposedly, the opening will also have free beer and ice cream, but we’re nowhere near the city, so the FOMO is real.
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Born in Cleveland, the NYC-based Goodman is well-known for the many murals he has produced over the years, in addition to his partnerships with Netflix, MoMA, The New York Times, and the Kevin Durant Foundation. “Having a solo show was a dream of mine when I moved to NYC 16 years ago for design school,” mentioned Goodman in an Instag
ram post announcing the show.The show opens this evening and will run until September 12th.