Flowers unquestionably bring a calming presence to any area or space that they may be. Whether it be from the soft colors, the beautiful scents, or just the thought that something so beautiful can be natural, they simply bring peace.
Commissioned by the Netherlands Embassy this past July, The Garden Of Delight was a public exhibit that placed floral posters throughout Budapest. Each stop featured different posters that showcased distinctive flowers and their respective colors. While commuting can be stressful, this exhibition undoubtedly helped ease wary travelers' nerves.

The Garden of Delight is an exhibition in public space commissioned by the Netherlands Embassy in Budapest. Throughout July, 25 Citylight posters will present the work of Dutch artists, photographers and designers at 25 tram stops (tram lines 47-49) in the centre of Budapest. Each of them has their own particular fascination with flowers. Being displayed at tram stops, the exhibition can also also be viewed in its entirety on a dedicated website.

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