100 Days is an annual project at New York City’s School of Visual Arts that was founded by Michael Bierut. Each year, the students of the school’s Master’s in Branding Program spend 100 days documenting their process with a chosen creative endeavor. This year, we’re showcasing each student in the program by providing a peek into ten days of their project. You can keep an eye on everyone’s work on our SVA 100 Days page.
We are surrounded by brands, and they have a huge impact on us—so much so that brands and society become part of each other. Where will the influence of brands take us? Will it be good or bad? What will the future be like? Will brands still exist? For Zhuxin Xiao’s 100-Day project, “What’s Next,” she selected a brand a day and expressed the feeling, function, or truth that the brand delivers to us through painting.
Discover more of their 100-Day project on Instagram.