Sea-Watch and Mother Berlin Confront Apathy with a Stark Installation

Posted inSocially Responsible Design

When I first saw the photos of “Warning Signs,” the recent installation by Sea-Watch and Mother Berlin at the Brandenburg Gate, I was struck by the stark power of its message. Imagine walking past one of the world’s most recognizable landmarks and finding it transformed into a sea of orange warning signs, each message a cry for attention to the ongoing refugee crisis in the Mediterranean. Over 250 signs, arranged to span nearly 400 square meters, create an atmosphere so overwhelming and urgent that it’s impossible to look away.

Stepping into the installation is akin to entering a metaphorical storm—a sea of dire warnings that forces onlookers to confront the brutal realities faced by refugees.

Sea-Watch, a nonprofit committed to rescuing refugees from the Mediterranean since 2015, teamed up with the creative minds at Mother Berlin to craft this installation. The choice to use warning signs as the medium feels almost too perfect. After all, what are warning signs if not everyday reminders of the dangers we’ve trained ourselves to ignore?

Each sign goes beyond the usual “Caution: Slippery When Wet” fare, instead bearing messages like “Danger: Drowning in Progress” or “Beware of Political Failure.” These words, paired with stark pictograms, pull you out of your comfort zone.

“The collaboration with Sea-Watch gave us the opportunity to raise awareness of the refugee issue in a creative and emotional way. Our goal was to convey a critical message that not only touches people but also mobilizes them and helps Sea-Watch to secure further support for their mission,” explains Amelie Schad, managing director of Mother Berlin. 

Stepping into the installation is akin to entering a metaphorical storm—a sea of dire warnings that forces onlookers to confront the brutal realities faced by refugees. Crafted from repurposed road signs, the orange color scheme evokes the “Refugee Flag,” giving the visuals a cohesive identity tied to Sea-Watch’s mission.

Stefan Wittemann, creative director at Mother Berlin, shared, “Our aim was to find an artistic language that does justice to the urgency of the topic and really shakes people awake.” And for those who aren’t in Berlin, an evocative film directed by Harun Güler captures the raw emotion of the piece.

This collaboration between Sea-Watch and Mother Berlin exemplifies how design can move beyond aesthetics to become a force for change. It’s a reminder of the power of creativity when used to amplify urgent voices and mobilize action. To heed the heavy pause that comes when we confront our own apathy and the lives at stake in the Mediterranean.

Giulia Messmer of Sea-Watch didn’t mince words: “The EU talks about peace while continuing to dig graves at Christmas. With our campaign, we are calling for an end to European ignorance and safe escape routes for everyone.”

The refugee crisis isn’t new, and it’s far from resolved. “Warning Signs” makes one thing clear: the warnings are all around us, and it’s up to us to act before it’s too late.